The Concept for My Next Book

My second book is going to be called St John’s Skyline. It’s going to be about my return to Newfoundland following my six year rendezvous exploring Otherland — experience that provided the inspiration for my first book, The Blades Beneath My Feet — which I published in October 2023.

Otherland is a geographic location I invented. It means “any land that is not Newfoundland”. There are basically two places: Newfoundland and Otherland.

Blades was set in Otherland. Skyline takes place at home, in Newfoundland.

Blades was an amazing success for me. I learned how to print and release a book. The whole process was delightfully satisfying. Because of the success I felt and the confidence I’ve gained, I know I’m going to print more books over the course of my life. I have no doubt that as I continue on down the path of living, and life keeps piling up, I’m going to tell about it. The experience is too rich to be ignored. It would be a violation of my own integrity to stop.

Lots of life has been piling up lately.

In 2023 I moved across the country, from British Columbia to Newfoundland, released my book, met someone, and fell in love. In September of this year we’ll welcome a baby girl into the world. With fatherhood in queue I know I’m going to be challenged in a million different ways. I welcome each and every challenge. A life full of challenge is a life full of meaning. I can’t wait to be humbled a million times over.

I’ve been writing about the subject of comfort (again) in my journal. Blades readers might recall the poem My Friend, Comfort (a reader favourite from the collection). I felt an urge to “check in” against my zone of comfort as I questioned whether my Newfoundland life was perhaps becoming ‘too comfortable’.

I came to the conclusion that while geographically and socially I am indeed very comfortable here at home, I am still using plenty of courage to test my limits in other areas, like; family life, parenthood, and love (the most important stuff to me right now, anyway). I have also been accepted into a Masters program at the Memorial University of Newfoundland which begins this September that is sure to test me.

So, sailing through some unknown waters here lately, I wonder how long before my friend comfort shows up to greet me? I know it’s only a matter of time.

I have no idea when St John’s Skyline will be ready for print. I know one thing: where Blades was strictly poetry, Skyline will be a mix of poetry and prose. The prose pieces will be longer form, dealing with certain subjects of significance to me. The lessons I feel are worth passing on. I’m feeling motivated to organize my thoughts here with our baby girl on the way.

I don’t know if anyone noticed, but Blades was not dedicated to anyone in particular. You know how authors usually dedicate their books? There’s the dedication. You know, the dedication? Mine didn’t have a dedication. There wasn’t anyone I wanted to dedicate it to and it felt crazy to dedicate it to myself. Even though, in all honesty, that’s who it was for.

I know Skyline is going to be dedicated to our daughter. I’m writing it as a gift to her.

It will be a short book like Blades is.

That’s because, for one; I believe short books are better than long books. “I read it in one sitting!” is a thing a few people have said to me about their experience with Blades. I take that as a great compliment. What a sitting it was, I bet. Not your average sitting, I bet.

And for two; I don’t have that much to say.

I really don’t have that much to say. I only speak up every now and then.

I wanna let my daughter know what her dad thought about certain subjects. Just the important stuff. Like love and spirituality. Sports. A sentence or two about money. Like Walden, without the off the grid cabin. Walden, on Duckworth Street. Walden, except there’s a TV in the living room and the Superbowl is on. WIFI Walden.

Life is a gift and to write about your life is to pass the gift on. To pay it forward. Everyone should write their own version of Walden. You should, too.

I wanna tell her about the books and songs that changed me. I wanna tell her the story of how I returned to Newfoundland. The story of her mom and I.

I know she’s going to have all of her own crap to deal with and this book will mostly be about all the crap I’ve had to deal with. It’s not going to be some How To Live bullshit. It’s just going to be a record of my thoughts and experiences at this particular moment in time. It will be there for her to pick up whenever or if-ever she feels like it. The book will be there, even when I’m not.

The book will be there, even when I’m not.

St John’s Skyline. I got the title from my view of downtown St John’s from the one bedroom apartment I rented on Military Road last year.

In 1969 Bob Dylan released the album Nashville Skyline which includes incredible tracks like To Be Alone With You and the Johnny Cash duet version of Girl From The North Country, one of my favourite songs. In 2004 Todd Snider borrowed from Dylan’s title for his album East Nashville Skyline. A modern folk classic, East Nashville Skyline includes another favourite song of mine: Conservative Christian, Right Wing, Republican, Straight, White, American Male. I’ll pay homage to both of these classic albums with my own version of the skyline, The St John’s Skyline, a reflection of how I see the world, from my tiny little perch on it.

Dylan. Snider. Duffett. Pick your poison.

Again, I have no idea when Skyline will be released. It took me 7 years to write Blades.

You can still order your copy of Blades by clicking here.

That’s all for this update.

Bryan Duffett — August 3, 2024.

Bryan Duffett


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Live at the Garrick Theatre, April 8, 2024